The last hike before moving to California.
River and I have done this hike around broken arrow in Sedona dozens of times and always have a blast!
Hi, I’m Sean, and I sometimes live in my old beat up 2009 Honda Fit, or sometimes in my 2020 Toyota Tacoma but usually my 2021 Winnebago MicroMinnie with my dog River. I’ve spent most of my life working in the towing industry driving vehicles weighing in excess of 100,000 pounds while spending every day I can in the mountains. Someday I’d like to do that full time instead of once every month or two. In early 2021 I decided to give up my 1500 sq. ft. house in exchange for a 125 sq. ft. camper. It’s been one hell of an adjustment but so far I’m loving almost every minute of it. Follow along as I share various RV and car/truck life struggles, the details and upgrades to my camper setups, and a bit of running/hiking/fly fishing content!